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Investys Projects Srl
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Investys Projects Srl
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#2471 din 2471 de Companii din Mobila&Accesorii
Membru Gratuit din 2017
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Investys Projects Srl Investys Projects Srl 0747076338 Taietura Turcului, Nr. 47/C, Cluj Napoca, Cluj
Produse si servicii

instrumente muzicale

Tipul companiei


Piata de desfacere

Europa de Vest

Nr. angajati

mai putin de 5

Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2017!
Introducing our latest, most exquisite brand of musical instruments for children and young adults, Piccolo Maestro defines a new standard and prestige in strings instruments for the young masters of today and tomorrow.

The Wood: at its finest. Piccolo Maestro instruments are carefully craftedout of one the best wood in the World, a local, dried in natural ventilation, 7 to 19 years old Romanian Maple.

The back sides of most of our instruments - including on one of the double basses - are carved from a full piece of wood, an extremely rare product of nature, for the most superior resonance.

The Models and Accessories: Piccolo Maestro Exquisite Musical Instruments are designed using Stradivari 1715, Maginni or Guarneri models.
Din Gura in Gura